Contact Us!

Contact Us!

Follow Us via E-mail Butoon

If you would like to receive an e-mail notification each time there is an important News Update or Public Notice in relation to Chelmsford Garden Community, simply fill in your name and e-mail address below and click on the ‘Subscribe’ button. We will only be posting to keep residents up-to-date with key information or progress so you don’t need to worry about being bombarded with e-mails on a daily basis!  Please note that by signing up you are consenting to the receipt of this information and in particular the use of your email address by this system to do so.


If you would like to subscribe to the Chelmsford Garden Community Council Monthly e-Newsletter, simply click on the ‘Join Our Newsletter’ button below. The monthly newsletter is under development and further updates will be published in due course however you can still subscribe so that when it is ready, it will be delivered directly to your mailbox.  Again by subscribing to this newsletter you are formally consenting to the system using your email address to contact you.

Image noting users can find CGCC on Facebook
Chelmsford Garden Community Council has a Facebook Page which will be used for the sharing of key information (both directly from the Council and key local stakeholders) as well as links to important updates on the Council website. We will share to the following key Facebook Groups however residents across the Garden Community area are encouraged to share to any other groups they believe would benefit:


Chelmsford Garden Community Council has an Instagram page which will be used for sharing of key information and links to important updates on the website.

Follow:Chelmsford Garden Community Council (@cgccouncil) • Instagram photos and videos
A logo for Instagram

Contact Us via Email Button
The Council will not generally engage in discussion via social media other than to confirm facts and provide clarity around any services the Council delivers. Residents should always use the Contact Us form for entering into direct correspondence where a personal response is required.

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You can contact the Executive Officer by telephone 0n 07495 473240

Or by email at

If you would like to write to us then the address is care of Beaulieu Community Centre, 17 Centenary Way, Chelmsford Garden Community, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 6AU