
Four Seasons Photography Competiton

We are launching an exciting Photographic Competition on Monday 8th July 2024 which will run until 30th May 2025!

The prize winners for each of the four seasons will have the accolade of their entry being used on varying Chelmsford Garden Community Social Media platforms and local magazines.

To capture the mood of the Season, there will be a winner chosen at the end of each season and then an overall winner from the 4 seasons will be chosen. Unless you are a winner, you will be able to enter each season.

Entry date deadlines:

Summer – August 31st 2024 11.59pm

Autumn – November 30th 2024 11.59pm

Winter – February 28th, 2025, 11.59pm

Spring – May 30th, 2025, 11.59pm

When will this be judged?

Summer content entries– Week commencing 2nd September 2024

Autumn content entries –Week commencing 3rd December 2024

Winter content entries –Week commencing 3rd March 2025

Spring content entries –Week commencing 2nd June 2025

Overall winner – Week commencing 9th June 2025


Good luck!

For any further questions please contact:

Follow link below:

How to enter photography competition