
Future Stewardship

The City Council is keen to see an integrated stewardship strategy for Chelmsford Garden Community and to explore an approach which is not so heavily reliant on resident service charges as is the case for the arrangements already in place across Beaulieu and Channels.

In the context of stewardship, there are generally four key areas of responsibility:

  • Landscape management
  • Management of key strategic or “destination” assets
  • Maintenance and management of community centres
  • Community development and placemaking

Shadow Councillors Andrew Wright, Melanie Williamson, Chloe Tron, Ruth Cooper-Gibson and Stephen Robinson attended a recent meeting with City Council representatives and the authors of a report outlining potential future stewardship options being proposed for Chelmsford Garden Community. This proved to be a very useful session and the general direction of thinking largely aligns to how the new Community Council are looking to develop their forward strategic plan.

The next step will be for a further meeting in early February with the developer consortium (Countryside, Ptarmigan & Halley) to discuss the future and of course how a strong and productive relationship can be formed as Chelmsford Garden Community develops from vision into reality.