
Guidance for Residents regarding garage conversions

Most people are aware that if you wish to extend your house it requires planning permission but did you know that there are specific planning restrictions in various parts of this Parish which restrict more minor works such as garage conversions?

There are specific restrictions on the planning consent documentation for the Channels and Beaulieu parts of the Parish which state

No dwelling or commercial floorspace, community or educational facility shall be brought into use until such time as the approved parking areas have been made available for use. The spaces shall not thereafter be used for any purpose other than the parking of motor vehicles ancillary to the use, which they serve.


To ensure that parking provision is acceptably integrated within the development avoiding car dominated spaces and to prevent on-street parking in the interests of highway safety and the amenities of the area

Therefore if you are intending to carry out a garage conversion or any works that may potentially reduce the space designated for parking you need to bear in mind these restrictions.  Chelmsford Garden Community Council is not able to provide advice or guidance regarding individual applications as it is not the local planning authority but felt it important to bring this restriction to the attention of residents.

Chelmsford City Council is the local planning authority and can provide advice and guidance and even offers a pre-application advice service.  It is also the authority that will consider whether to grant any application or not.  The planning department can be contacted on 01245 606826

Chelmsford Garden Community Council’s role in planning is that of a statutory consultee so can make submissions in relation to planning matters as can members of the public and local City Councillors.