Council Members
Councillor Melanie Williamson

Ward: North

Melanie Williamson

Councillor (North Ward)

Melanie has been a Councillor since the inception of this Council and indeed was a member of the shadow Council that established Chelmsford Garden Community Council!  She is a Councillor representing the North Ward.  She is also a member of the Personnel and Communications Committee of the Council.

Following nomination by this Council, she is a Trustee of the Chelmsford Garden Community Trust, which is the independent charity that runs the Beaulieu Community Centre.

You may contact Melanie by clicking on the envelope under her photograph on this page.

You may view Melanie’s register of interests on the Chelmsford City Council website at the link below

Register of Interests

Melanie provides the following information for residents:

I have been a resident on Eagle Rise (Channels) since late 2017 and since that time I have watched both the Channels and the surrounding Beaulieu developments grow.

During early 2018, it struck me that we were a group of people all new to Channels and that if we wanted to make a difference, we needed to do so together as a community. I saw the opportunity for us to come together, get to know each other and work to ensure that the expectations we all had when sat in the house developer sales office were delivered after we moved in. This in part led to the creation of the Channels Residents Community Group which still represents the local Channels community today. This led to my involvement to this day in the Chelmsford garden community focus groups championing the issues experienced and advocating/achieving with fellow residents changes in traditional thinking and planning by developers.

I am passionate about ensuring the new Chelmsford Garden Community is accessible to everyone that lives in the area and I am particularly interested in the design of future open spaces to ensure they are indeed accessible for all.

I believe that the new Council should be an integral part of the new community working with and supporting existing residents, those yet to arrive and of course those that have joined Chelmsford Garden Community from other Parish Council areas. It has been a privilege to work with fellow residents and our neighbouring communities to set up the Chelmsford Garden Community Council and I look forward to continuing to advocate for our community alongside fellow residents with developers, management companies, city and county councillors and other partners.

You will regularly see me out and about across the entire area walking, running (well trying to!) or on my bike so please do say “hello!” as we pass!