How to report a problem in our area

How to report a problem in our area

This page provides guidance on how to report a variety of problems in our area.  If your problem is possibly criminal or relates to anti-social behaviour then you will need to take a look at the Community Safety page but ways of reporting other issues are set out below:

How to report a problem may depend on the area of Chelmsford Garden Community in which you live, whether you pay service charge and to whom.  However, for the following issues it does not matter where you live – you can use the links below to report:

Report fly posting

Report Graffiti 

Recycling, bins, heavy collections and the use of the recycling centre

Issues with Public Rights of Way

Assets owned by Chelmsford Garden Community Council

This Council only owns a handful of assets in the community but if you encounter a problem with any of the following please report it to or ring 07495 473240

Two litter bins adjacent to bus stops at Beaulieu Boulevard, Two litter bins adjacent to bus stops at Shardlow Avenue, The First World War Memorial bench near the proposed Community Gardens (bottom or Taylor Rise), Dog bin on green space near Wharton Drive and Notice board at Beaulieu Boulevard

Highway issues:

If the road upon which you live is adopted then you can report a whole range of items direct to Essex County Council who are the highway authority and this includes potholes, pavement defects, drain cover issues, damaged signs, broken streetlights and overgrown vegetation.

For urgent issues that are a serious  health and safety risk you can ring 0345 6037631 and for other issues you can use the following link

Report a highway or streetlight issue to Essex County Council

Which Roads are adopted?

As of the time of posting (September 2024) only the roads in the South East Ward plus Channels Drive are adopted and thus able to use the above reporting tool:

South East Ward

If you live in an area of the Parish which is managed by the Land Trust then please report any highway issues to them at

For other unadopted roads please refer to the developer working in your area and if you are struggling to contact someone please feel free to refer the matter to this Council for clarification at

Green spaces

Boleyn Gardens and the surrounding pathways in the south east ward plus the ‘wedge’ of land and other green spaces within that ward are owned and maintained by Chelmsford City Council and any issues in relation to maintenance should be reported to them at the following link:

Report a park problem to Chelmsford City Council

Also find out about the Great Park and rights of way in that area

Again for other green spaces that are not in adopted areas please refer to the explanations below as to how to report.

How to raise issues for unadopted areas

For all unadopted areas the responsibility for streetlights fall to Countryside Vistry to resolve.  You can report to to request any report of a broken streetlight is passed onto them.

For areas in the North Ward that comprise Channels you will be able to report issues relating to green space, play areas, litter bins etc. direct to Channels CIC and for a map confirming the area and the contact email you can use the link below:

Report to Channels CIC

The areas in the South Ward are predominantly managed by the Land Trust and Beaulieu Estate Management so to report issues in relation to open spaces, play areas, litter, bins etc. please refer to the link below for a definitive map of areas managed and how to report any issues

Report to the Land Trust

The area of the East Ward is the fastest developing area at present with housing areas being built right now including the Cala development.  As of now (September 2024) only a limited area has been taken on by the Land Trust so if your area is not shown on the Land Trust Map you should contact your individual developer in relation to any specific issues.

If you are struggling to contact the right person please feel free to contact for further guidance.