
Successful bike marking and community safety event!

Chelmsford Garden Community Council organised a bike marking and community safety event on 7th February 2024.  The Council is grateful to officers from Chelmsford City Council and from the local police for attending.

Several bikes were marked and the police were able to provide safety advice and equipment and the Council’s Executive Officer was able to chat to several people too!

The police car was very popular with our younger visitors including a group from the local nursery who even got to sit in the car and set off the lights and sirens!

The Council has been provided with a number of free Faraday cases which it can supply to residents free of charge.  A Faraday case is a way of protecting your car if you have a keyless entry system as it blocks the signal from the fob to the car.  If the signal is not blocked then thieves could enter and drive your car away with ease so this little pouch is vital to protect your vehicle.

If you would like a case then they will be available to claim at the Annual Assembly meeting open to all residents on 18th April 2024 at 7.45pm at the Community Centre on a first come first served basis.

Police officers at the bike marking event